
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cricut Circle Weekly Challenge #38: Vacation Memories

Weekly Challenge #38: Vacation Memories Challenge!
The Challenge: It’s the end of the Summer and hopefully, you have had a chance to sneak in a getaway or two. This challenge is all about tackling those vacation photos before they get lost in a drawer or shoved in a box somewhere. We want you to create a scrapbook page or mini album recording one of your vacation memories from this past Summer. Weren’t able to sneak away . . . that’s okay! Find some photos from a past vacation that you haven’t scrapbooked yet and get busy! We can’t wait to see what you create!

I made this layout to capture my favorite summer activity, partying by the pool.  I have the perfect to just develop them!  ;)

The cuts are all from Cricut cartridge H2O with the exception of the phrase "Pool Party" which is cut from Luau.  I am not sure if you can tell from the pics, but I added a plastic backing (from the packaging our carts come in) to the goggles.  It made them super cute!

If you are interested in recreating, I am including my Gypsy file for you:

Linked up at:
Patches of Pink



  1. very happy and I lov e the colors

  2. This is a great layout Renee, all the images you chose are perfect!!!

  3. What a fun layout! Thanks for teh gypsy file! Definitely want to try this one out!!!

  4. This is great!

    Also, I was stopping by to let you know that you and I were the winners on this blog: so go see! :)

  5. Hi friend! This is great! You asked on my blog if the snail was "my kit" but it's not. It's the kit club I design for: Artful Delight. You can check it out at the link here:


  6. A fun, refreshing layout. Well laid out.

    I came here from Patches of Pink. I am entry #22. I made back to school tags for my kids. Come on over.

  7. Super cute layout! I love the goggles!


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!