
Monday, September 19, 2011

A "Butterfly Award"!

I'd like to thank Brenda at Random Thoughts of a Scrapbooker for awarding my blog the "Butterfly Award"!

To accept the award, I must answer the following questions and then pass the award on to 10 other blogs.

1. Name my favorite color - Purple of course!
2. Name my favorite song - The Humpty Dance by Digital Underground
3. Name my favorite dessert - ANY kind of ice cream
4. What 'wizzes' me off at the moment? When my coupons aren't calculated right!
5. My favorite pet - Dog
6. Black or white? Hmmm...I wear a lot of both
7. Biggest fear - BUGS!  Yikes!
8. Best feature - My smile
9. Everyday attitude - My glass is half full
10. What is perfection? A night full of sleep and a day all to myself
11. Guilty pleasure - Crafting
12. When I am upset I... go to pantry  =(

I would like to present the "Butterfly Award" to...
  1. Janice at Craft Place   ~ AWESOME flower tutorial!
  2. LaShavia at Crafty Pink Butterfly ~ So many neat posts on her newer blog
  3. Rosewise at Confessions of a Scrapaholic ~ What cool calling cards
  4. Mary at Mary's Crafting Spot ~ Love your homemade patterned paper
  5. Donna at Nana Donna's Card Dreams ~ Unique cards and color combo's
  6. Shari at Shari's Cricut Circle Madness ~New blog, cool projects
  7. Cindy at Scrap-Obsessed ~ Awesome layouts and sketches
  8. Sheila at She's a Sassy Lady ~ A plethora of crafty ideas and tutorials
  9. Mel at Doxie Mel Designs ~ One crafty lady
  10. Liz at 217 Creations ~ Detailed, beautiful work
Congratulations ladies and thank you for the inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I don't even know what to say. What an honor. Love your designs and am humbled that you found me noteworthy. Thanks, Renee!


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!