
Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Second Chance Banner Contest Winner!

Thank you to everyone that posted your banner!  I loved looking at them and am amazed at all of your talent.  The big winner for the second chance contest is:

Rose @!

Isn't it cute?  If you go to her blog, you will see that each banner piece is about the size of a Cricut cartridge!  And who doesn't appreciate a Halloween themed banner at this time of the year?  Great job Rose and thank you for sharing!  Please contact me so that I can send you a list for you to pick your prize from.  =)

Although there is only one big prize, I think everyone's banner is a winner!  I am awarding everyone who linked up a prize!  Please use the contact form on my top header to send me your address so that I can send each of you your prize!  Thanks again for linking up!


  1. Awesome, love the banner - congrats!

  2. Is there a post of the different banners? I would love to see them!

  3. Renee - thanks for hosting this it was great to see the banners.

    Congrats to Rose on the cute spooky banner. I love it.

    Thanks, Terri

  4. Congrats Rose! Thanks again Renee for hosting - we should do it again sometime. I loved seeing everyone's banners again in one place.

  5. Congrats Rose! Loved your banner and everyone else's. I think we all did a wonderful job and are all winners.


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!