
Friday, October 21, 2011

You're Berry Special ~ 5th Pie in the Series

Hi Everyone.  I am super busy again, but wanted to get on to share today's pie slice:  Strawberry!

Now I know that making the 3D strawberries is nothing new, but maybe it's new to making them into a pie slice!  =)  I used THIS tutorial to make my strawberries and this pic as my inspiration:

My whip cream is the same cuts from the pumpkin pie.  I simply didn't use all the layers and used the technique of turning them upside down to burnish them to give them dimension. 

My Gypsy file:

I am out of time but will add more detail and directions later.  =)


  1. All your pies have been delicious! They are all fantastic. At the end of your pie making I think you should post one picture with all the pies on a tray - i would love to see them all together! thanks for sharing such wonderful project.

  2. Oh these are just so darn cute! I love them all. Great series!

  3. Another fantastic pie Renee, the embossing you added to the berries looks great!!


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!