
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Weekly Challenge #48: Creative Resolutions for 2012 Challenge!

  The Challenge: Whenever the New Year rolls around, we tend to do a little self-evaluation and decide what we want to do differently in the year to come. For the challenge this week, we want you to think about your CREATIVE resolutions and record them in some way. Do you want to stretch your creativity in new ways? Maybe you want to try a new hobby or learn something new. Maybe you want to simplify. Whatever it is, get those goals down on paper! 

My creative goals for 2012.  I need to go back and add the year...oops!

Stampin' Up "Full Calendar" stamp set used.

Frame bought from Ikea.

For this challenge, I created a calendar/goal minder.  One side has the calendar that I can interchange and the flip side has my creative goals for 2012.  Some of them are quite lofty, but what's the harm in dreaming big?  ;)


  1. How creative! Great way to keep your resolutions in sight during the year!

  2. We are off to a good start. Nice blog.

  3. This is so cute Renee and love your goals. I can't believe you haven't been published yet!


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!