
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Have you seen this?

I found this new paper stack at Joann's.  It's actually really thin fabric that already has adhesive on it!  It comes it two different styles.  this pink one and another with blue tones.   I am really excited to use it and hope that I can get it to cut on my Cricut!


  1. I love the adhesive fabric paper. I found a few sheets of it in the regular paper aisle about 8 months ago. One was a green polka dot on white background. I used it to cover a chipboard book. Worked great! I will look for this DCWV! TFS

  2. Wow, that's really pretty. I'll have o head over to Joann's tomorrow and see if I can find it. Thanks for posting!!

  3. Oooooh, that looks wonderful! I'd love to hear if you have Cricut success and if so how you did it!

  4. I just bought the blue and brown one. Had a hard time deciding on which one, they're both so pretty. Can't wait to use it!--Pat N.

  5. I saw that yesterday but didn't buy any. Can't wait to see what you do with it though!

  6. I saw those pads, trying to resist purchasing them. Let us know how it cuts on the cricut, I may have to cave.

  7. So many possibiliteis with that. I'll have to go find that koann's now and see what they have. TFS

  8. I saw this last week there & debated buying it myself can't wait for u to share what u do with it. Might inspire me to buy it!!!

  9. Oh, let us know how it works! Can't wait to see what neat things you do with it


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