
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Birthday Card Redo

Do you ever make a project and am not happy with the final outcome?   Well, this birthday card was one of them.  It needed a little something extra... 

Well, I had an idea when I was thinking about what I wanted to create for a project for a Crop.Chocolate Challenge. 

NSD Online Challenge #5 - With This Ring...
With This Ring…
Include buttons or other embellishment in a shape {or} letter – ie heart, linked wedding rings, circle, R, A, etc.
I used the buttons as they were to form a bouquet (circle) of balloons:
Small change, but a big difference.  Now I am happy with it!  =)


  1. I do that ALL the time; I finish a card & have to walk away because its not exactly how I want it! Yet I don't know what to do to finish it! Usually I have to put the card down & walk away cuz usually I get the urge to rip it up & throw it away!! After a few hours or even over night I'll go back to it, by then it seems like a clear mind & fresh set of eyes helps or I ask my mom when all else fails!! LOL this is a super cute card! I love the design & the colors!! Job well done! <3

  2. I have that problem sometimes! I love the button addition!


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