
Monday, July 30, 2012

Creative Color Challenge Winners 06-11-12

In case you were wondering what happened to the weekly Creative Color Challenge I had been hosting, I decided to put it on freeze for the summer.  I got overwhelmed with kids, vacations, and other crafting commitments.  I plan on adding it back in the fall, but will probably change it to a bi-weekly challenge to allow more time for you to participate and link up the projects you create.

When I froze the challenges, I left a couple of winners unannounced and so here they are.  The winners for the 06-11-12 Creative Color Challenge are:

With Glittering Eyes

Crafting Mamma at Rebecca's Crafts

Congratulations on being selected as the weekly winners!  Feel free to grab your winner's button from the right side of my blog.  In addition, you will each be entered into the monthly drawing for the Cricut Cupcake Lite cartridge.  And now on to that monthly winner.  Using Random.Org, the winner of the Cupcake Cricut Lite cartridge is:

Crafting Mamma at Rebecca's Crafts
Congratulations!  You have until Friday, August 3rd to contact me with your full name and mailing information. 

Thank you again everyone for playing along and be ready to get your Creative Color craft on this fall!

1 comment:

Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!