
Monday, May 13, 2013

Did-I-MENSION NSD Challenge Winner!

Thank you so much for all the beautiful and crafty projects you entered in my Did-I-MENSION NSD Challenge.  Using Random.Org, the winner is Heidi (cowgirl1hh) with this lovely project:

"I decided to make the end of the year gifts for the teachers already using this challenge. Cartridge used: Garden Soup."...cowgirl1hh
Congratulations Heidi!  You can select a $20 gift card to Joann's, Michael's, or Hobby Lobby OR you can pick a cartridge of your choice from my stash. 

Hope to see you back!  Until then, happy creating!


  1. Hooray! I'm so excited that I won! I had a lot of fun with this challenge and all of the others from the NSD weekend.

  2. Congrats Heidi!
    D~ Dragonfly50


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!