
Friday, June 28, 2013

What? No more Google Reader?

I guess I have been crafting under a rock.  I just learned that Bloggers, their Followers, and even Blog Readers are on a final countdown to the end of Google Reader.  Starting July 1, 2013 Google Reader will cease to exist.  I currently use the Google Friend Connect widget and an email subscription link to enable anyone interested in my crafts to see what I have been up to.   I am hoping you will take the quick and easy step to sign up for Bloglovin and continue to follow my crafting endeavors.   I just signed up and it only took about 2 minutes to import my favorite blogs.   I am also looking at adding a Facebook page for my crafts to make following me even easier.  Thank you for following me these past couple of years.  I enjoy creating and hope to continue sharing with you.

Please click here to give me some lovin': 

Follow on Bloglovin
Ok.  I hope I did this right.  I also created a Facebook page:
 Now, a fellow circlet did share this information with me:

This link shares that the Google Friend Connect WON"T be going away.  Just the reader.  I guess it's better to be prepared just in case.  =)  And I needed to get up the social media anyway and create a Facebook page. 


  1. Love your blog, Renee. You can tell you work hard at it.

  2. I completely forgot about the Buccaneet Imagine cartridge. Love the card and It is a favorite cartridge of mine. I will have to make something with it again. I know my Grandkids loved it when I sent one to them. Thanks for reminding me.

    Dianne Bell -


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!