
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CS Father's Day Blog Hop Winner!

Thank you to everyone for visiting my blog.  I had a lot of fun creating for this hop and reading about what you shared.  The winner for my blog candy is Jamie!

Jamie said...

Lovely layout! You did an awesome job. :)
June 19, 2011 7:52 PM

Congratulations Jamie!  I will send you either the Gypsy Stylus pack or the $5 Gift Card.  Just let me know which one you want!

Thank you again everyone!  I hope you enjoyed the hop as much as I did and come back to visit often!


  1. Yay, that would be me!! :)I will take the Stylus pack since I just ordered the gypsy with my reward points. Thanks!

  2. oh yeah my email is


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!