
Friday, June 17, 2011

CS Father's Day Blog Hop

Welcome to ChatterScene's Father's Day Blog Hop.  Thank you for joining us!

You should have arrived here from:  Polka Dot Princess -- Doreen

If you missed the beginning of the hop, please go back to the start of the top of the hop at Chris's blog
Get Inspired With ChatterScene  to start so you don't miss any of the projects. There is Blog Candy offered so you want to start at the beginning and read how to participate to win.

I created a one page layout to scrap this year's Father's Day pictures.  Not only is my hubbie a great husband, but he is an outstanding father.  For so many reasons, too many to list, he is "Super Dad"! 




The carts used to create this layout include Batman and Father's Day Seasonal. 
  1. Caption @ 6.85 H, base @ 4.45 H, shadow @4.4
  2. Phrase @ 5.93 H
  3. Swirl @ 1.94 H, base @ 1.94 H, shadow @ 1.94 H
  4. Arrow @ 1.94 H, base @ 1.94 H, shadow @ 1.94 H
Father's Day:
  1. Phrase shield @ 4.14 H, base @ 4.14 H, base @ 4.61
  2. Background shield @ 10.53 H & 11.12 H
Downloadable Gypsy file:

Thank you for hopping along with us. Remember, if you leave a comment on every designers blog hop post, your name will go into the drawing for the for the blog Candy affered by ChatterScene. 

I too, am giving away some blog candy, a 3 pack of Gypsy styluses.  I for one, am always losing mine in my craft area.  Having extras is great!  If you are the winner and don't have a Gypsy, let me know and I will send you a $5.00 gift card to Target instead.


All you have to do is leave a comment on this post saying what you love most about your father.  I will use to select a winner on Tuesday morning, June 21st.  You are not required to become a follower, but I would love it if you chose to let me create for, share and hopefully inspire you.  =)

CONGRATULATIONS!  You have completed the CS blog hop!  Thank you again for visiting.  I hope you have enjoyed all the crafty ideas we have shared with you and hope you come back to visit!  Have a Happy Father's Day!

In case you missed any of the blogs, here is the complete CS Fathers Day Blog Hop List:

Get Inspired with ChatterScene -- Chris
Kimberli's Creations -- Kim
Scrappin Palace -- Cassie
My Amusing Life -- Jamie
My Fantabulous Life -- Kristen
Green Girl Scraps -- Michele
Happy Scrapper -- Brenda
TX Scrapper Mom -- Roberta
Kbiendesigns -- Kelly
Polka Dot Princess -- Doreen
I Came, I Saw, I Created -- Renee  <--- ME!


  1. Beautiful LO! The colors are perfect for this and I love the sentiments! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

  2. I love that layout!! It is an awesome way to showcase dad's photos on his special day! My dad passed away in 2008 but I loved that he was always there for us kids if we needed a hand. Thanks for the chance to win the stylus package. I also always misplace mine! I have already lost the stylus to my E2. Cant imagine where I put it!!

  3. Fabulous layout! I would have never thought to use the Batman cart for a Father's Day project.

  4. Wonderful LO! TFS
    shewhodreamz at gmail dot com

  5. Love the layout:)

    Ty for playing along in the blog hop:)

  6. That is a fantastic layout! I love how the inking really makes everything flow together!

    michelegreen120 at gmail dot com

  7. I love the super hero...perfect foe my boys! Thxs for the inspiration!

  8. What a unique and charming LO. I love the color scheme and the heroes call-out is great.
    Happy to have hopped in and became a new follower!

  9. Love your layout, the colors you used are perfect! I'm a new follower, I'd love it if you came by my blog as well! :)

  10. WOW your layout is fantastic...i so need help in that area....your colors, paper you used and that cart is fabulous..TFS!
    I'm a new follower and would love to see you pop by my blog too..

  11. Terrific masculine LO. Love the paper/color combo. I love that my Dad has a listening ear. TFS joy4umetoo at hotmail dot com

  12. I love a good layout and yours is just wonderful, such clean lines and lovely colours. TFS! I am a new follower and hope you will do the same.

  13. Love the colors used in your LO. I am a new follower. TFS. I will be doing a 100 follower giveaway soon on my blog at

  14. Fantastic layout!! I love the colors you chose:) I am a new follower of yours. I hope you stop by my blog and follow me too:) I look forward to seeing more of your projects!!
    Sherrie K
    jskoning at msn dot com

  15. Great layout.....I love it. I love my dad because no matter what I do he is proud of me and loves me.

    jennykingham at att dot net

  16. What an awesome layout...I love the superman, retro feel of it and the colors are just perfect! I can't pick just one thing I love about my Dad...he is amazing and I'm his biggest fan :)


  17. Too cute!! I love it. So sad the blog hop is over. (This is the first one I have ever gone all the way through)

    -Rachel B.

  18. I love this LO. Fabulous job! TFS

  19. Great LO! I love everything about my Dad! He is my greatest fan and I am his!

    mlenclade at g mail dot com

  20. Great page! It's going to look so great once you attach the pictures:)
    new follower

  21. Love this layout. What I love most about my Dad is that he never tells me NO. My DH thinks he's the only one that still spoils me. Don't tell him. I'm Blessed to have them both in my life.(lol) Smooches... Felicia at & frankleecrafts[at]gmail[dot]com

  22. Great layout! Like your paper choices!

  23. Fabulous layout, I'm going to do something like it for my kid's father after seeing this.

    My favorite thing about my father is that he taught me how to fish when I was just a little girl.

    Smiles Sher

  24. This layout is awesome! I love colors you used. They are so pleasing! :0) I am a new follower too! This hop has been a little difficult for me. My dad died 8 years ago. One of my favorite things about him was that no matter what, he always made me feel so safe. Whether I was sick or we were somewhere sketchy, I always felt safe if he was near.

    Be sure to stop by my blog to enter my 500 followers giveaway!

    XO ~ Amy Jo (follower)
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

  25. I love my father's sense of humor.

  26. My father has been gone for 13 years now, but I always loved to go fishing with him. He was a great boat skipper and knew where the fish hung out!! :) I miss the times we shared together! My husband Is going to get a surprise home cooked dinner by the one and only ..ME, of steak and Lobster!! Thanks for being part of a very fun hop and For the super prizes!! I have been a follower of your blog!!

    Come by my blog and check out my awesome giveaway!
    ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

  27. Cute LO
    love the colors used

  28. Nice layout!

  29. Great lay-out! I have many memories of my Dad since he passed, my best memory is seeing him on the train! I am your newest follower, hope you will stop on by and do the same!

  30. I love the super hero theme of your layout! I love that my dad is a great resource for many things--he is a Mr. Fix-it and has no-nonsense financial advice. Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. Love your layout! My dad is not a part of my life, so I will instead say how wonderful of a Father my husband is to our son. I'm a new follower.


  32. Love your layout. Perfect masculine colors. Just signed up to be a follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my challenge with my scraps. Cindy

  33. Love your Super Dad Layout. Love the colors that you used. What I love most about my Dad is he will tell you just what he thinks,Even If you don't want to hear it. :0)
    I had so much fun on this Hop. Everyone is so Creative.
    I am a New follower of yours!!!
    cindymarshall63 at hotmail dot com

  34. Love the layout!!! I hate being a downer but I have nothing nice to say about my father. He walked out on us many, many years ago. However, my FIL was a wonderful man who passed away in 2006. I wish my children had the chance to get to know him! He was just a very loving, gentle man.

    blue.tacs at yahoo dot com

  35. Love your layout! This has been my first blog hop and I have loved every minute of it!! So much talent. I am now a follower of yours. So exciting!!

  36. Girl! You are on a roll with some awesome layouts! Today we celebrate Dads, and I couldn't help but think that mine is looking down on me and sharing this new found passion with me! :)

  37. Lovely layout! You did an awesome job. :)

  38. Thanks for all the lovely comments ladies! It's been a fun blog hop! :)


Thank you for leaving some love! I hope to see you back!